Replacing Missing Teeth
Now that people have begun to recognize the many benefits of dental implants, this procedure becoming more and more commonplace. Additionally, ongoing advancements in implant technique and technology continue to improve the patient experience.
Implant surgery has an extremely high success rate. You can expect that your new teeth will be virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth – both to yourself and others.
The Treatment Process
The initial phase of dental implant treatment involves gathering diagnostic information, which often includes 3D imaging of the teeth, gums, and bone. Our oral surgeon will educate you about the treatment options available and help you choose the option that best suits your needs and situation.
It is replaced several months later with a permanent restoration once the implant has fully integrated with the jawbone through a process called osseointegration.
Depending on your particular situation, treatment plans may require several visits and a longer duration of treatment. Certain cases may require additional bone grafting procedures to enhance the integration and aesthetics of the case.
Your teeth affect your whole body. When they’re healthy, you’re healthier too. A missing tooth can affect your bite, speech and eating choices. As you rely more on your remaining teeth, you increase the chance they will wear out prematurely, or be damaged or lost. You may also experience headaches and/or jaw pain.
Dental Implants
Dental implants are the most comfortable and permanent solution. They form a strong foundation for teeth and keep the jaw healthy and strong. Implants support individual replacement teeth or secure specialized dentures in place. Unlike bridges, no healthy teeth are damaged. Unlike most bridges, implants can last a lifetime. Implant-supported replacement teeth can be attractive, stable, and comfortable for almost any patient.